Elite Furnishings is a new furniture store in Oxford located in a prime location on the square. I've personally never shopped at Elite Furnishings but I have passed by many times and from the looks it appears to be high end merchandise... it's definitely no Cheapo Depot. Also as their name implies, they obviously cater to the "elite" customer. So, if this is the image that Elite Furnishings is trying to convey, they certainly are not extending that image to their website. I'll just be honest about this one -- there is nothing elite about Elite Furnishings website.
Here is what I notice when I look at the website:
- It just looks cheap -- there is absolutely nothing custom about this website
- The free Flash player extends beyond the margin
- Terrible search engine rankings for main keywords
- No Sitemap
- Hitcounter Should Be Axed
From the "Create a free slideshow with Picnik!" to the "Free CSS Templates", everything on this website screams, "Cheap!". However, I bet their furniture isn't cheap, so their website definitely shouldn't convey cheap... but it does. I can't say it enough, "A businesses online presence is just as important as their offline presence". A business website should work for you, not work against you.
The Flash Player Extends Beyond the Margin.
Take a look and you will notice that the flash player just doesn't fit in the template. For any half experienced web developer this could be fixed in less than 5 minutes. Besides not fitting in the template, the flash element needs to be custom, rather than just a free plugin by Picnic. This flash slideshow looks like it belongs on somebody's Myspace profile, not on a business website... especially a business that calls themselves elite.
Terrible Search Engine Rankings For What Should Be Their Main Keywords.
According to Google search volume related to furniture in Oxford, MS there are about 485 searches each month on Google alone. As the image below shows, Elite Furnishings is missing out on some very powerful keywords. People that are searching for "furniture oxford ms" are obviously potential customers for Elite Furnishings. However, those people that search for furniture in Oxford will not find the Elite Furnishings website because the website is not in the first 1000 results for any of these keywords on any major search engine! That's terrible. Elite Furnishings is missing out on some customers. What's the point in owning a website if nobody is going to be able to find it on search engines? Search engine traffic is the most valuable source of traffic and Elite Furnishings is getting none from these essential keywords. Write it down, that's a fact.

No Sitemap.
Elite Furnishings has 130 indexed pages on Google and therefore they need an XML sitemap. With that many pages, search engines want to see a sitemap so that they can easily find every page on the website. This simple change would definitely help boost Elite Furnishings terrible search engine rankings (although there is much more involved to get good search engine rankings... but a sitemap helps).
Ax the Hitcounter.
Honestly, nobody cares how many visitors your website has received, plus hitcounters are not accurate anyways. If you want detailed traffic analysis then have your webmaster install an analytics code on your site so that you can monitor your website visitors rather than showing that information to the public.
The moral of this story is that business owners can't cut corners when it comes to their businesses online presence. A website is an extension of the business and the last thing people should think about is how cheap the site looks. Cheap is definitely not the message that you want your online presence to convey. I understand that businesses need to watch their expenses, but a professional website is surprisingly inexpensive these days (at least with P.O.G.).
Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit: http://ProfitOptimizationGroup.com
Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit: http://ProfitOptimizationGroup.com
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