Is it,,, or is it
How many domain names do you need for your business website? Answer is very simple, 1!
Having more than one is extremely bad for you website. Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines down grade you when you have more than one domain. This is called duplicate content. Each domain name has the exact same content.
If you do not understand what I am trying to say, open up two different browsers on your computer, on one type in the domain name and the other Each site will be exactly the same, each page will have the exact same content. Even the url structure is the same.
I honestly have a list of over 15 things wrong with this website(websites) but I will only touch on the top 10 major, major issues here.
- Duplicate content (very bad for search engines)
- No email marketing
- Is paying for traffic rather than free(organic) traffic
- Has no tracking analytics
- More than one domain name
- URL structure of the site is way off track
- Has no sitemap(Google doesn't know the exist basically)
- Home page scares me!
- Need to integrate Google Maps not Yahoo maps
- Is on page 3 when you type in "dentist in oxford ms"..competitors are killing you there
Duplicate content:
I touched on this briefly in the beginning of this post. Have the same exact content on more than one domain name is bad for a domain names reputation. Scratch and delete all by one domain name and stick with that ONE and Google and other major search engines will start showing you some love.
No email marketing:
This is a simple concept here. Stick a email opt in list on your home page, and every page within your website. Once a visitor opts in then they are your customer for life. For the most part, if someone gives you their name and email address this means they like you, they are interested in your services. For more information about email marketing visit this link:
Importance of Email Marketing
Paying for traffic rather than free traffic
When you type in the keyword "dentist in oxford ms" into Google shows up in the paid search column on the right hand side rather than the organic column underneath the google map. There you will find all of the oxford center's competition (ex. and this is where you want to be. Instead of paying for your clicks to your website you are getting your clicks for free. Who doesn't want free traffic?
Has no tracking analytics
I say this knowing that they don't have Google's traffic tracking analytics. In this day in time you have to have this installed(embedded) into each web page within your website. What does this do? It will track where your traffic comes from and how much traffic you receive. More on traffic click here:
Traffic, Why It Is Important
More than one domain name
This can be explained very well, have only ONE DOMAIN NAME. That clear enough for ya? Redirects and cloaking domain names is a whole new ballgame. Just stick with the basics, you are a local business that does not need to get fancy.
URL Structure is out of track
Kind of hard to touch on this subject without confusing you... here is what the "Meet The Staff" URL looks like right now, .... a proper URL structure should look like this, .. you see the difference? Being granular with the page titles within your website is very important. If you don't take care of this then search engines will slap you.
Has no sitemap
This too does not help your relationship with all the search engines. Here's the best way to explain why a sitemap is important. When you build a house you have a foundation, your plumbing, electricity, your walls, and a roof, you have to structure your house properly for it to stay standing up. This is the same with a website. Each webpage on your website has to all be connected somehow. With a sitemap it connects the dots for you. I hope I didn't lose you on that one. Basically you have to have a sitemap in order for your website to stay alive.
Home page scares me
Upon arriving to the home page you are greeted with a mouth. Who wants to see a mouth and teeth when arriving to a website. I know you are saying well this is a dental website but wouldn't you want to see a full body picture of the whole staff smiling or even a picture of the location(the building). Toss the mouth and teeth and be normal and put up a picture of the entire staff or the building location.
Get rid of Yahoo Maps
Who uses Yahoo Maps? Answer is, no one! If you can put a Google link on your website than DO IT! Besides Google Maps has the street view, have you not seen that yet? It blows Yahoo out of the water! Scratch Yahoo and use everything related to Google. If you do, they will start giving you high fives.
Ranking for the keyword "dentist in oxford ms" is on page number 3 for this search term. You think anyone actually goes past page one to find a local dentist in Oxford, MS? ummm NO! Get rid of all but one domain name, get your URL structure right and you will be on page one. It is that simple. Below is search volume for related keywords of dentist in oxford ms
***Hold Up! Like seeing these numbers, there's more... you can see ALL searches related to Oxford MS businesses just visit Local Search Volume page at P.O.G.
Thanks for sticking to the end here! I really don't have anything good to say about this website. Maybe next time!
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit: