Friday, February 5, 2010


Calling all locksmiths in the Oxford, MS area!  PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU

How many people out there actually believe that a locksmith would need a website?  Probably not many people.  However, I am here to tell you that a locksmith (or any service provider for that matter) does indeed need a website... even if it is only one page.  The reason, as always, is that people are using search engines to find services of all kinds.

Inconvenient searches.  This is a term that I use for search phrases that people type into Google that they did not plan on searching for throughout their day.  Examples of an inconvenient search include terms such as:  oxford ms locksmith, oxford ms air conditioning repair, oxford ms oil change, oxford ms tire repair, oxford ms taxi... you get the point.  It is something that is inconvenient.  However inconvenient, the point is that we still do use search engines to find these types of services. 

Typically, I do not plan on locking my keys in my car... but if I do I know what I'm doing... pulling out my iPhone and Googling "locksmith oxford ms".

The power of mobile search is reason enough for inconvenient search service providers to have a web presence.  If you lock your keys in your car, you no longer have to freak out because you do not have a locksmiths phone number in your phone... you just pull out your smart phone and Google it.  The mobile web is experiencing phenomenal growth rates and more and more people are using their mobile device to access the Internet everyday.  For this reason, all small businesses need to incorporate Internet marketing into their marketing budgets.  We are searching for anything and everything on our hand-held Google machines... including inconvenient searches!

In the case of locksmiths in Oxford, MS there are about 28 searches on Google each month for the phrase "locksmith oxford ms".  Now, that may not be very much search volume, but it is an opportunity for a local locksmith to bring in more business because nearly everyday somebody is inconveniently locking their keys in their car and they are most likely pulling out their smart phone and Googling "locksmith oxford ms".  These people are desperately asking for a locksmith... they want to pay money for your service!

Quite simply:  Without a web presence, the opportunity is lost.

Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good Look From Clayton O'Donnell Law


Simple But Appealing

The Clayton O'Donnell law firm website is looking great.  They have 3 locations in north Mississippi: Oxford, Tupelo, and Corinth.  Having a professional website such as this one is a great addition to your business but if your website is not receiving any traffic then what's the real reason in having one?  These days your customers and potential clients are searching for you and for your services that you offer.

The fastest way for them to find you would be a search engine.  I had a client ask me the other day, "Why do people go to Google so much and search for all the problems they have", I gave a big smile and replied, "It takes little to no effort, that's why".  It's convenient and fast.  Who doesn't like fast and easy results?  With it being convenient, meaning, it's now in the palm of your hand.  I would have to say 8 out of 10 people have the Internet on their phone.  This cuts out all that time you use to spend hunting for that damn phone book at your office or home.  With the time that it takes you to find that phone book you could already have your questions answered in a few seconds by going to your trustworthy friend...  GOOGLE.

Your potential customer and clients are searching for YOU, YOU have to be there.  This is called search engine marketing and it's a must for your business to implement if you want your business to be in business in the coming years.

The design of the home page is simple but I do like the pictures that fade in and fade out.  P.O.G. has done a very similar layout to this.  Randall Perkins Group is a commercial real estate brokerage firm here in Oxford, MS.  Click Here to view a very similar function of the rotating pictures. 

Not real sure about the half picture frame on the pages.  The empty space on the home page needs immediate attention.  Add some content there, more content the better.

Tracking, tracking, tracking is extremely important.  Your website has to have a tracking code on all your web pages.  The importance of tracking is equivalent to having a new home built and leaving off the roof.  Having a home without a roof is pointless right?  This is the same as having a website and not having Google Analytics installed on your web pages to track your visitors.

Ahhh Yes! Google Maps.. Is a must have on your location page on your website.  Clayton O'Donnell law firm does have Google Maps, major plus!

These Numbers May Shock You

Your potential clients are searching for YOU! These search terms
are extremely targeted! Click Here to see more research.

Overall... Great looking website here! I give them a 8 out of 10!

Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

La Rousse Salon Can Use a New Style


Plain and Simple is NOT the Best Thing

La Rousse Salon in Oxford, MS could use a new look.  Their business location is in a prime spot, being on The Square but with a prime spot of a professional business also needs to come with a professional website.  Your image is extremely important in business both offline marketing and online marketing.  Considering where technology is today and where it continues to be focused on in the future, the Internet can not and should not be overlooked by any profession.  With that being said... Here goes the critique of La Rousse Salon...

...Where should I start is a hard question to answer

The overall design is a key component in providing a professional image for your business website.  This is something that La Rousse lacks a lot of.  As soon as you land on the home page the thought of "great another one" meaning another business that has a lot of potential but lacks the image in profession when it comes to their web design.  As technology changes each year so does marketing and design.  You have to be on top of your game to stay alive during these rough times that our economy is going through.  An updated website is a *must* for La Rousse.  Head over to Bethany's Spa and Salon.. now this is an up to date Salon website.  Time for a change La Rousse Salon!

More content! More content!  Add some more content to the site and this will help out a lot.  Your visitors to your website will stay on your website longer resulting in educating your new potential customers about who you are and your staff.  Give us your story!  Your story is part of branding.  How did you come about?  What motivated you to start your business?  Believe it or not people (your customers) want to know this.

Location?  This is were Google Maps comes into play.  Have you seen their new feature? Street view?  You can actually see your business building on Google Maps now.  Add that to your site along with a location page.  This is a start for more content.  Here is the street view of La Rousse Salon Click Here

Your competitors are out doing you  What I mean by this statement is, your competitors like Bethany's Spa and Salon have higher search engine rankings for the search term "salons in oxford ms". Why is this?  Because their site is new and updated and they also have a lot more content on their website... Now do you see the importance of content for any business website?  I hope you do..  To show you proof here is a screenshot of the organic rankings for the search term "salons in oxford ms"

For More Search Volume Results Visit Salon Search Volume

La Rousse does out rank Bethany's for other search terms but not for long.. More content on a website will out do your site any day!  Bethany's will soon have a PR of 1 or 2 and that will put them over the top.  Sorry La Rousse if you don't act now and fast you will start to see your rankings drop on the search engines resulting to less customers.  I don't care about your location, locations is not the key factor now, it's SEARCH!  The convenience of search engines is now in the palm of your potential new customers hand. Every local business owner needs to be very aware of this new technology and how to take action and act now before it's to late.
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Addy Photography... What's Going On?


I see this a good bit.  A small business owner finally decides that he/she does in fact need a website in order to convey professionalism.  So, he takes step number one and heads on over to to purchase the website domain name.  Great.  Next step.  "Wow, Godaddy provides a free site builder with the purchase of a domain name and a hosting agreement??  Wow! I can build my own website now... thanks Godaddy," the business owner thinks to himself.  Probably not a good idea because the business owner is now going to end up with something similar to  Take a look for yourself.  Does this convey professionalism?  You tell me...

I'll take it easy on this one because it is obvious enough that this site is in great need of some major design work.  It is obvious that this website is not an asset to Addy Photography... I doubt it brings in any sort of leads.  If anything, this website is a hindrance to Addy Photography.  Not good.

Here is why Addy Photography needs a major website upgrade...
  1. People are asking Google for "photographers in oxford ms"
  2. has good rankings on Google's Local Map

There is significant search volume related to "photographers in oxford ms"

The number one reason why any business needs to invest in a website is because people are likely using search engines to find what that business has to offer.  That is the beauty of search engine marketing... customers find the business; NOT the business find customers.  In the case of Addy Photography, there are ten keyword phrases that potential customers are typing into Google that are related to their business.  On average, there are about 376 searches on Google each month that are related to "photography in oxford ms"... people are basically asking to do business with Addy Photography.  But will they?  Will they do business with Addy Photography if the first image of Addy that the potential customer has is  Likely not.  The customer is likely to move on until he/she finds a more appealing website.  We are all drawn to beauty and appeal. has neither beauty nor appeal. 

*See more local search volumes for your business category here

Google's Local Map Rankings
The Google Local Map is obviously in a prominent location within search results... it's right there above the fold for everyone to see.  For this reason, the Local Map can be a massive traffic generator for small businesses.  The good news for Addy Photography is that they have good Local Map rankings... type in "photography oxford ms" and you are likely to see Addy Photography listed beside the Local Map.  The bad news is that since their website is not appealing, they are not going to be able to retain the traffic that the Google Local Map sends their way... people are going to immediatly rush for their browser's back button.  Not good.

Sure, there are plenty of free website templates and many point-and-click website builders out there.  But, honestly, they are a joke and definitely do not deserve to be the face of your online presence.  I'm pretty sure that we can all use a hammer, but that doesn't mean we build our own homes. If, God-forbid, I ever need major legal council, I won't be representing myself... although that is perfectly legal.  You see, some things are better left to professionals and when it comes to your businesses website, the same is true.  I am completely aware that many small businesses have limited budgets when it comes to such things as websites and other marketing expenses, but this day and time it is too important to overlook.  You wouldn't cut corners when it comes to your business's physical appearance, so why cut corners with your online appearance?

People are using Google to find your products and services; if and when they do find your website, the look and feel of your website will determine if that person actually stays on your site (and eventually becomes a customer).  The last thing you want as a website owner is for someone to immediately look for the back button when they land on your website... "Get me out of here!!"  REMEMBER:  the whole point of having a website in the first place is so that it is an asset for your business.  Let it work for you... not against you.

Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

What is Local Submit?


 Power of the Local Business Center

Over the past few years Google has added their own Local ads.  They call this the Local Business Center.  This feature is equally equivalent to the Yellow Pages.  You can submit your business information to Google and they will insert that information into their local business database.  So when a search user types in the services that your business provides, your business name, phone number, and if you have one, your business website.  The downside is this; your business is along side six other businesses that happen to be your competitors.  Now your chances of a visitor clicking on your name goes down.  The same example can be applied to your ad being in your local yellow pages.

There are some ways around to monetize this traffic.  This is called search engine marketing.  During these tough economy times new customers are a key essential for your business to stay alive.  Applying Internet marketing strategies along with traffic generation will greatly increase your profits for your business.

Click here to grab more information about Local submit:

Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Friday, January 15, 2010

3 Ways Your Story Can Help Your Brand


It's Monday morning, as you enter your office the thought of it being another Monday morning runs throughout your mind. Causing your mind to wonder off in different areas. Man, this weekend was a blast! I'm actually still hungover from tailgating at the Tennessee Titans football game from the day before.
Your weekend was fun, and you start to think that your fellow employers need to hear the whole story as well. Maybe they will find it funny when I tell them how I slipped on a ice patch and busted my butt in front of a couple of hundred people. Maybe they have a similiar story about their weekend. You find this to be the source of getting your thoughts and mind off the subject of it being Monday morning and you hate Monday mornings!

Animal Care Center in Oxford Mississippi


Trust Me, Black and White is Not in Style

This style website will not grab your visitors attention.  Black and white websites are just not, how can I put this in a nice way, effective.  Effective meaning, upon the arrival of a visitor to your site the likely hood of them becoming your customer is pretty slim.

Your site needs to look professional.  You are a professional business man or women so that means your website is also reflected as your personal image as well.  If your site doesn't look professional than who would think that you are too.

This critique is going to be short and to the point!  There is a lot of serious problems that need to be addressed here and I don't want this post to turn into a short story.  Below is some issues that the Animal Care Center in Oxford, MS needs to change.

  • Get rid of the black and white
  • Needs email marketing
  • Google analytics has to be installed
  • Adjust the alignment, Center would be the idea here
  • Integrate Google Maps(street view is a cool feature to have)
  • Needs a picture of the staff and location on home page
  • Meta tags on all pages
So I'm only going to touch on a few of these... The whole design would be the first issue to resolve.  Seriously, black and white?  At least center your website.. A professional website can reflect a professional image of your business.  They are like peas and carrots.  They just go hand in hand.

Meta tags and Google analytics would be step two.  Correct meta tags will help your search engine rankings and Google analytics will help you monetize your traffic for more customers and profits.

All together, this site needs to be scratched and remodeled!

Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Downtown Oxford Inn Has A Great Website... Two Thumbs Up



The Downtown Oxford Inn is a great hotel (I know personally, I've stayed there a few times) with a superior location.  However, The Downtown Oxford Inn's location is not the only thing that is superior; their website is superior as well.  Honestly, I believe this website is one of the best that I have seen in a long time. is a perfect example of a website that is considered a true asset to the business... it works for them -- not against them.

Here are just a couple of aspects that are great about this site:
  1. Everything that is important to the visitor is above the fold
  2. They have an E-mail opt-in (also above the fold)
  3. Flash element is perfect
  4. Great Search engine rankings
* The one negative that I see with the site is the absence of an XML sitemap.

All Important Information Is Above The Fold.
The designers of definitely know what users want to see when they arrive at a website.  All the important elements on this website can be accessed without having to scroll down.  Perfect!  It really doesn't get much better than that.  The menu structure is also perfect.  It is coded in HTML so search engines can read each menu item.  Many sites just create images with text on them for their menu... search engines cannot read images.

The three elements below the menu ("Quick Reservations", "Take A Tour", "Stay In Touch") are laid out perfectly and I am sure they get plenty of action because it is right there just above the fold when you land on any page within the site.

I would not expect the average local, non-chain hotel to get many online reservations.  However, Downtown Oxford Inn is not average.  I am sure they receive more online reservations than any other hotel in the Oxford market.  This site is so good, I would venture to say that if one were to compare's visitor analytics vs.'s visitor analytics, Downtown Oxford Inn would dominate the average time on site statistic and bounce rate statistic (not to mention total visitors).

Downtown Oxford Inn Utilizes E-mail Marketing.
By now, if you have read this blog for any length of time, you are completely aware how much of an advocate I am of e-mail marketing.  This is another major plus for Downtown Oxford Inn's website.  Now, I know that most people are thinking, "Who would want to receive a newsletter from a hotel?"  Well, you are right... probably not that many people.  However, I am sure that Downtown Oxford Inn does have a sizable e-mail marketing list and the people that actually do receive the newsletter are also offered discounts and other ammenities.  E-mail marketing is just a great way to establish a relationship with your customers and to reward them for being your customer.  This creates REPEAT BUSINESS!

The Flash Element Is Great.
When a visitor first arrives at, the first thing he is likely to see is the flash element.  Sometimes, I see many websites that completely overdo the flash... which is not good for search engines at all.  Not here.  The flash element is actually very attractive and quite welcoming.  That's really all I can say about it.  It just works for them.

Downtown Oxford Inn Knows The Importance of SEO.
Wow.  Right now I am completely shocked at how great the search engine optimization work is for  I just ran a ranking report for 12 popular keywords related to "hotels in oxford ms" and Downtown Oxford Inn absolutely dominates these keywords.  According to local search volumes related to "oxford ms hotels" there are about 11,546 Google searches each month!  That is a HUGE amount of interest for any keyword related to Oxford (see more local business categories Google search volumes).  With that many searches each month, Downtown Oxford Inn obviously saw how being at the top of search engines could benefit their business.  Take a look at their rankings for the high volume keywords.  It really is incredible.

Look at that!  For all of those high volume search keywords, Downtown Oxford Inn is primarily the FIRST website you will come across when you type those words into Google! is getting tons of targeted traffic from people that are looking for hotels in Oxford, MS.  No doubt about that.  Tell me that this website is not the biggest lead generator for Downtown Oxford Inn.  I know it is!  People have dropped the YellowPages and started Googling.... a long time ago.  Which is why businesses need to incorporate Internet Marketing into their marketing budgets.

This information tells me one thing.  Downtown Oxford Inn dominates the hotel market in Oxford.  Bottom line.  That right there is why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is so valuable to any business.

Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Proud Larry's Is Looking Real Good


Proud Larry's website has the right approach

One of the best designs in Oxford in my opinion!  There is a lot of websites in Oxford that have great design layouts and great marketing along with it and Proud Larry's website is on my top 5 list.

If you haven't stopped by their site lately then take a second and check them out.  Their newly design layout has a good touch of structure and design.  Being more of a music attraction you can see that is their main focus upon arriving.
I have A LOT of good things to say about Proud Larry's here is a list of a few great things that stood out to me:

  • Has email marketing
  • Great design
  • Search bar
  • Good URL structure
  • Has Google Analytics
  • Has a picture of the staff and the building
  • Menu is on site rather than off site
Has email marketing
This is extremely important!  In order to get some value out of your website visitors an email opt in list is a MUST!  They have it in a great location which is above the fold and on the right side of the web page. The only down side is that it is only on the home page, stick it on all the web pages and that will drastically increase your opt ins.  *Remember: not all your visitors will arrive to the home page every time.  They may find your site while searching for concert pictures in Oxford, MS and that brings them to the photo gallery first. More on email marketing and the importance.. Click here

Great design
The design is laid out perfect.  The program this site uses is called Joomla and it is an user friendly CMS(content management system) which the design and layout for the most part is always easy on the eyes and functionality is great as well.  For another example of a CMS Joomla site visit

Search bar
A search bar these days is important.  Why? because everyone searches, it's convenient.  The search bar is on every page as well which is also important.  The visitor at any given point may have a topic they want to find.  With the search bar being on every page this solves this problem. *Interested in the local search volume for "oxford ms restaurants"? Click this link for a full case study: Restaurant in Oxford MS search volume

Good URL structure
All the URL's on the Proud Larry's site have good structure.  This is due to the CMS which is used.  Joomla is a great user friendly management system and it is also liked by all the major search engines.

Has Google analytics
It does have Google analytics installed on every web page within their website.  Great plus here! Tracking your visitors, and using that data can help you increase your profits to a much higher level.

Has a picture of the staff and the building
This is ALWAYS good for any business website.  It's a must! Plan and simple.

Menu is on site rather than off site
Thank you! Not to many people do this.  Put your menu on your website, not in a pdf file.  This helps out with your content on your site.  More content equals more love giving in return from Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

With all the good about Proud Larry's site out of the way I would like to touch on just a few changes that need immediate attention.  Change the meta tags for the home page and on all the pages.  Insert the email opt in list on every page and get a location tab and insert Google Maps.
OVERALL RATING:  I give them a 8 and a hook! It would have been a 9 if the email opt in list was on every page.  Overall great website Proud Larry's!!

Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Video Views Reach 30 Billion in U.S.


WOW! This is huge news! In the month of November 2009 the total video views surpassed the 30 BILLION goal which is the first time in history. This 30 billion mark is double the amount of searches the U.S. gets each month, according to October of 2009, records show there were 14.3 billions searches that month from all search engines.
This goes to show that people love some video for entertainment and searching for an answer or problem that needs to be solved...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Elite Furnishings Website... Not So Elite


Elite Furnishings is a new furniture store in Oxford located in a prime location on the square.  I've personally never shopped at Elite Furnishings but I have passed by many times and from the looks it appears to be high end merchandise... it's definitely no Cheapo Depot.  Also as their name implies, they obviously cater to the "elite" customer.  So, if this is the image that Elite Furnishings is trying to convey, they certainly are not extending that image to their website.  I'll just be honest about this one -- there is nothing elite about Elite Furnishings website.

Here is what I notice when I look at the website:
  1. It just looks cheap -- there is absolutely nothing custom about this website
  2. The free Flash player extends beyond the margin
  3. Terrible search engine rankings for main keywords
  4. No Sitemap
  5. Hitcounter Should Be Axed
Elite Furnishings Website Looks Cheap.
From the "Create a free slideshow with Picnik!" to the "Free CSS Templates", everything on this website screams, "Cheap!".  However, I bet their furniture isn't cheap, so their website definitely shouldn't convey cheap... but it does.  I can't say it enough, "A businesses online presence is just as important as their offline presence".  A business website should work for you, not work against you.

The Flash Player Extends Beyond the Margin.

Take a look and you will notice that the flash player just doesn't fit in the template.  For any half experienced web developer this could be fixed in less than 5 minutes.  Besides not fitting in the template, the flash element needs to be custom, rather than just a free plugin by Picnic.  This flash slideshow looks like it belongs on somebody's Myspace profile, not on a business website... especially a business that calls themselves elite.

Terrible Search Engine Rankings For What Should Be Their Main Keywords.
According to Google search volume related to furniture in Oxford, MS there are about 485 searches each month on Google alone.  As the image below shows, Elite Furnishings is missing out on some very powerful keywords.  People that are searching for "furniture oxford ms" are obviously potential customers for Elite Furnishings.  However, those people that search for furniture in Oxford will not find the Elite Furnishings website because the website is not in the first 1000 results for any of these keywords on any major search engine!  That's terrible.  Elite Furnishings is missing out on some customers.  What's the point in owning a website if nobody is going to be able to find it on search engines?  Search engine traffic is the most valuable source of traffic and Elite Furnishings is getting none from these essential keywords.  Write it down, that's a fact.

No Sitemap.
Elite Furnishings has 130 indexed pages on Google and therefore they need an XML sitemap.  With that many pages, search engines want to see a sitemap so that they can easily find every page on the website.  This simple change would definitely help boost Elite Furnishings terrible search engine rankings (although there is much more involved to get good search engine rankings... but a sitemap helps).

Ax the Hitcounter.
Honestly, nobody cares how many visitors your website has received, plus hitcounters are not accurate anyways.  If you want detailed traffic analysis then have your webmaster install an analytics code on your site so that you can monitor your website visitors rather than showing that information to the public.

The moral of this story is that business owners can't cut corners when it comes to their businesses online presence.  A website is an extension of the business and the last thing people should think about is how cheap the site looks.  Cheap is definitely not the message that you want your online presence to convey.  I understand that businesses need to watch their expenses, but a professional website is surprisingly inexpensive these days (at least with P.O.G.).

Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Oxford Center Has Major Website Problems


Is it,,, or is it

How many domain names do you need for your business website? Answer is very simple, 1!

Having more than one is extremely bad for you website.  Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines down grade you when you have more than one domain.  This is called duplicate content.  Each domain name has the exact same content.

If you do not understand what I am trying to say, open up two different browsers on your computer, on one type in the domain name and the other  Each site will be exactly the same, each page will have the exact same content.  Even the url structure is the same.

I honestly have a list of over 15 things wrong with this website(websites) but I will only touch on the top 10 major, major issues here.

  1. Duplicate content (very bad for search engines)
  2. No email marketing
  3. Is paying for traffic rather than free(organic) traffic
  4. Has no tracking analytics
  5. More than one domain name
  6. URL structure of the site is way off track
  7. Has no sitemap(Google doesn't know the exist basically)
  8. Home page scares me!
  9. Need to integrate Google Maps not Yahoo maps
  10. Is on page 3 when you type in "dentist in oxford ms"..competitors are killing you there
Duplicate content:

I touched on this briefly in the beginning of this post.  Have the same exact content on more than one domain name is bad for a domain names reputation.  Scratch and delete all by one domain name and stick with that ONE and Google and other major search engines will start showing you some love.

No email marketing:

This is a simple concept here.  Stick a email opt in list on your home page, and every page within your website.  Once a visitor opts in then they are your customer for life.  For the most part, if someone gives you their name and email address this means they like you, they are interested in your services.  For more information about email marketing visit this link: Importance of Email Marketing

Paying for traffic rather than free traffic

When you type in the keyword "dentist in oxford ms" into Google shows up in the paid search column on the right hand side rather than the organic column underneath the google map.  There you will find all of the oxford center's competition (ex. and this is where you want to be.  Instead of paying for your clicks to your website you are getting your clicks for free.  Who doesn't want free traffic?

Has no tracking analytics

I say this knowing that they don't have Google's traffic tracking analytics.  In this day in time you have to have this installed(embedded) into each web page within your website.  What does this do?  It will track where your traffic comes from and how much traffic you receive. More on traffic click here: Traffic, Why It Is Important

More than one domain name

This can be explained very well, have only ONE DOMAIN NAME.  That clear enough for ya?  Redirects and cloaking domain names is a whole new ballgame.  Just stick with the basics, you are a local business that does not need to get fancy.

URL Structure is out of track

Kind of hard to touch on this subject without confusing you... here is what the "Meet The Staff" URL looks like right now, .... a proper URL structure should look like this, .. you see the difference?  Being granular with the page titles within your website is very important.  If you don't take care of this then search engines will slap you.

Has no sitemap

This too does not help your relationship with all the search engines.  Here's the best way to explain why a sitemap is important.  When you build a house you have a foundation, your plumbing, electricity, your walls, and a roof, you have to structure your house properly for it to stay standing up.  This is the same with a website.  Each webpage on your website has to all be connected somehow.  With a sitemap it connects the dots for you.  I hope I didn't lose you on that one.  Basically you have to have a sitemap in order for your website to stay alive.

Home page scares me

Upon arriving to the home page you are greeted with a mouth.  Who wants to see a mouth and teeth when arriving to a website.  I know you are saying well this is a dental website but wouldn't you want to see a full body picture of the whole staff smiling or even a picture of the location(the building).  Toss the mouth and teeth and be normal and put up a picture of the entire staff or the building location.

Get rid of Yahoo Maps

Who uses Yahoo Maps?  Answer is, no one!  If you can put a Google link on your website than DO IT!  Besides Google Maps has the street view, have you not seen that yet?  It blows Yahoo out of the water!  Scratch Yahoo and use everything related to Google.  If you do, they will start giving you high fives.

Ranking for the keyword "dentist in oxford ms" is on page number 3 for this search term.  You think anyone actually goes past page one to find a local dentist in Oxford, MS?  ummm NO!  Get rid of all but one domain name, get your URL structure right and you will be on page one.  It is that simple. Below is search volume for related keywords of dentist in oxford ms

***Hold Up! Like seeing these numbers, there's more... you can see ALL searches related to Oxford MS businesses just visit Local Search Volume page at P.O.G.

Thanks for sticking to the end here!  I really don't have anything good to say about this website.  Maybe next time!

Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

Ajax Diner in Oxford Needs a Website... That Can Be Found


**This post was originally written with the assumption that Ajax does not have a website.   Please excuse that assumption-- they actually do have a website (it's not too great... gives me an idea for a website critique).  However, it was soo hard to find their website on search engines that it is almost useless to have.  The point of having a website is to receive targeted traffic from it-- to get more customers.  If no one sees your website, what's the point?  Remember, a website is an asset; it should work for you.**

Everybody in Oxford loves to take a break from their diet and eat at Ajax every once in a while (sometimes too often).  It's by far the best home-style southern cooking in town... name something better and you will get an awesome prize.  However, just because the food's great does not mean that Ajax is doing everything right from a business standpoint.  Ajax desperately needs a website... people are basically asking for it (as you will see by search engine data below).

Ajax is obviously a very successful business with a loyal customer base which gives them all the more reason to have a website.  Every successful business needs a presence on the world wide web to complement their offline presence. 

So why does Ajax need a website?  Here's two good reasons:
  1. Ajax receives tons of monthly searches on major search engines
  2. Ajax can incorporate Email marketing into the site and bring in more customers

According to search volume trends on Google alone, Ajax is one of the most highly searched restaurants in Oxford.  There are on average about 837 Google searches each month related to Ajax (See other search engine volume for oxford restaurants).  That is significant online interest to say the least.  People want to visit Ajax's website... but of course, they do not have one so these interested customers are out of luck (and who knows, maybe they chose to eat somewhere else that day).  For the same reason that 208 in Oxford needs a website, so does Ajax-- PEOPLE ARE SEARCHING FOR THEM!  You can't be in a better position as a business-- having customers look for you... searching for you.  But, without a website Ajax is not there for those valuable customers.  Business owners must realize that people this day and time are using search engines more than we ever have... we are searching for anything and everything-- including YOUR BUSINESS!  You have to be there for those searchers/customers... enough said.

Time out: If you are interested in seeing search engine volumes related to Oxford, MS business categories visit the Local Search Volume page at P.O.G.

Email marketing.  I've written about it many many times before, but that's because it is so important for small businesses... especially restaurants.  If Ajax had a nice website with an area for visitors to "Sign Up For News and Specials" they could easily send out promotional emails to their customers that entice them to come in to eat lunch or dinner.  It definitely wouldn't hurt.  The great thing about Email Marketing is that it is permission-based --customers give you permission to market to them... doesn't get any better than that.  For this reason, customer responses to email marketing campaigns are much greater than traditional marketing avenues.  Put it this way:  if you were on Ajax's email list to receive "News and Specials" and they sent out an email that said "... Bring this email in (or show it on your smartphone) and receive a free appetizer with your meal (limit one per table).", wouldn't you likely go to Ajax to eat as opposed to somewhere else that didn't offer you a free appetizer... I think so.  It's all about treating customers right and rewarding them for being so rewarding to you... offer them a reason to come to your restaurant.  That is the power of Email Marketing --direct communication with customers that have asked for you to communicate (advertise) to them.

Those are two great reasons why Ajax needs a website, but given enough time I could probably think of a million more. 

Well it's getting to be lunch time so that's enough for now... Come to think of it, I think I want some Ajax... let me pull up their menu.  Oh, wait... I can't...

Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Adam is considered a top Internet marketing consultant for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:

The Ravine Restaurant Needs Some Changes


Love the look, Not so much on the Marketing...

The Ravine in Oxford, Mississippi is by a long shot a great fine dining restaurant here in Oxford.  I love how you can get away from "the square" and get to feel the experience of being surrounded by a unique dining experience nothing like the usual dining in town.

The Ravine, along with the owner and chef Joel Miller, is on my top 3 best dining restaurants in Oxford and he continues to impress me each and every time I make a visit to the Ravine.

...Enough about the food and the dining experience

I'm here to critique the website...

Upon the arrival to the home page, I immediately look for a email opt in form.  Email marketing is extremely important to integrate these days if you have a restaurant website.  To learn more visit this link: Importance of an opt in list 

The goods and some minor changes:

  1. Menu is on the website instead of a redirect to a pdf file.. this is good for the search engines. (I see so many restaurants that just have a pdf version of their menu... no good)
  2. Love the photo gallery it's good to let your customers realize what kind of person you are outside of the restaurant, and the sneak peaks of the homemade favorites, ice cream and pasta is great!
  3. Media page is good! The Facebook link is a good feature, but that needs to be on the home page and every page, add Twitter these days as well.
  4. Guest rooms is great! But needs to have a place where your visitors can check for availability.
  5. "Our Story" page is great to have on a website.. there needs to be a picture on this page.. of Joel and Cori, picture of the restaurant, or picture of Joel cooking in the kitchen, that would keep your visitors on this page longer, resulting in them reading the entire page of great content about the history of the Ravine.
The visitor counter at the bottom of the home page needs to go!

I know you might be saying well its good to see how much traffic you get and on what days it gets the most traffic.. etc..  That is good to know but not good to let your visitors see.  Back in 2000 this was popular, new technology these days allows you to track these stats and other detailed stats such as: where your traffic is coming from -- search engines, Facebook, Google, etc...; which keywords your visitors search for to find you on Google.. etc.
This feature is free and who better else to give something away for free.. yep.. you guessed it.. GOOGLE!  There is a tool called Google Analytics and this tracking code can be installed on all your pages within your website so it can track ALL your traffic.  Very important data to have and understand when owning a business website.  A simple analysis plus a minor change here and there can drastically increase your profits!

TIMEOUT! Important Fact Here: To View the Local Searches related to restaurants in Oxford, MS visit this link: Restaurants in Oxford Mississippi

Here's a screen shot of Bed and Breakfast searches on Google
(related to Oxford, MS)

Overall I give the Ravine's website a 6 and a hook!  The email marketing is important, the header image needs to be a clickable link to the home page and detailed analytics also needs to be added.

*Next time you find yourself wondering where to eat on Sunday.. Make a stroll out to the Ravine, you will not be disappointed.  I guarantee you will enjoy all the yummies they have on their menu!  On top of that I wish all the success to the Ravine in 2010!

Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit:
Jason is considered a top Internet marketing specialist for the local Internet Marketing company P.O.G. in Oxford Mississippi. To learn more visit: